All posts tagged: gym wear

Introducing Nylon Bee & My Favorite LA Work Outs

There’s two things I want to talk about in todays post – Nylon Bee and My Favorite LA Work Outs. Both fitness, which is a departure for me, but I’ve been aching to stretch my content so here we go… (nice puns right?!?) Lets start with Nylon Bee. You might have seen the skincare brand Lyeska mentioned around these parts a few times… here, here and well here. The Brooklyn based skincare line was founded by the lovely Katya Hegg, the line is full of great, antioxidant rich, natural products. Katya reached out to me a few weeks back letting me in on a new business venture she was working on. She’s partnered with Carla Susanto to launch a curated activewear website geared toward busy ladies like myself who want to look top notch while working out with out paying a premium. I loved the concept. They sell an awesome selection of colorful basics and muted staples to get your work out on with. The two pieces I tested out are honestly the nicest work out wear I’ve …