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Favorites | February

Holy baby Jesus it’s March! Damn, it is not a new year any longer. Guess it is time to stop saying what I want to do with 2016 and just get to doing it! This year is gonna be a big one for me, not only am I getting married but I’m also turning 30. Surprisingly neither of those things feel scary, honestly they just feel long over do. I knew from the first time I was alone with Jeff that he was the one. And I’m pretty glad to say goodbye to my twenties, they were riddled with self doubt and confusion. I’m not counting on my 30’s to be a breeze, but I am looking forward to a little more grounded sense of self. I’ve put so much work into myself over the last year, that thirty will feel a little like a mile marker for me, and I’m ready to celebrate! Okay, enough feelings and let’s get to what you’re really here for…. THE STUFF!!! I’ve got a lot of it! and (personal belief here) it’s gooooooood. Pictures, links and words down below, and if you’re tired of reading, just watch the video. It’s all in there too, but with my face!


Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Diffused Light Ambient Lighting Blush in Incandescent Electra

Finally got some Hourglass in my stash! I fell in love with these two this last month. The Ambient Lighting Powder in Diffused Light* adds a nice glow and the yellow cast in it helps cancel out some redness I am prone to. I’ve been wearing the Ambient Lighting Blush in Incandescent Electra* nearly everyday since I took it out of the box. The blush is just a perfect, natural looking, transition shade if you have a bold lip on.

Tarte Tartlette in Bloom Palette

This palette has gotten some mixed review out there, but its the bees-knees to me. The Tartlette in Bloom Palette* is made of neutrals, with a few shimmers in there. Slim, pretty packaging. Can be used wet or dry. NICE.

Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat in Crazy Love MAC Lipstick in Captive

The Lip Cheat in Crazy Loveis my ONLY Charlotte Tilbury product. I know… how can you have a blog and not own like a million of those products.?? WELL, them bitches are pricey… Anyways. I’m loving pairing it with my new favorite MAC Lipstick in Captive*. This raspberry color is a great alternative to a bold red lip.

Province Apothecary No.7 Perfume Au Natural Organics Pure Palo Santo Oil

Great smells, great small brands, both 100% Natural. Province Apothecary No.7 is an intoxicating blend of Sandalwood and Bergamot. Au Natural Organics Pure Palo Santo Oil is a real treat, and should last you about a decade. This shit in potent.

Sunday Riley’s Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm Farmacy Hydrating Coconut Gel Masks

I’ve already said enough about Sunday Riley’s Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm*, if you haven’t heard my words, read them here. Long story short: I like it a lot. I plan on doing a full post on Farmacy Hydrating Coconut Gel Masks* soon. But for now the gist of it is that they hydrate like crazy, leave you looking glowy and are great for calming down irritated skin.

Moorea Seal Necklace

Elegant, Simple, and affordable. I’ve worn this necklace nearly everyday since October. It’s by the designer Moorea Seal who also has a lovely online store full of great buys. Here’s one similar.

Madwell Tile Jacquard Scarf

This giant scarf looks like it came from some exotic place (I wish) but was picked up at my local Madewell.* The detail is gorgeous, and it’s been a great topper to add life to more basic outfits.

Nisolo Oliver Oxford in Scarlet Shoes

Nisolo’s Oliver Oxford in Scarlet is honestly the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned, and possible the coolest as well! The company is socially conscious and all the shoes are hand made in Peru. I think the price to quality ratio is on point for once. Follow their Instagram, they often are doing promotions.

Media wise I went on a little binge with Penny Dreadful* and watched all 18 episodes over a 3 day weekend. Yeah, my dreams are just now recovering…. Also been obsessively listening to Christine and the Queens*. Give your ears some treats:

I hope you found some new favorites! What were you loving in the month of February? Well I am off to catch up on House of Cards. (Fingers crossed the new season is better than the abysmal third one). Here’s to a great March!

*this post contains affiliate links


  1. Pingback: The Week End // Weddings, Black Holes, and The Stairway to Hell – My Two Pence

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